Educators & Community

Eligible Training Providers List (ETPL)

Pennsylvania’s Eligible Training Providers List (ETPL) provides employment training resources for adults, dislocated workers, and youth. The ETPL includes qualified training providers who offer a wide range of educational programs, including classroom, correspondence, online, and apprenticeship programs.

The ETPL was established in compliance with the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and amended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014.  The ETPL was designed to maximize infomed consumer choice and potential funding opportunities through WIOA Title I.

Workforce Solutions is responsible for working directly with Training Providers, approving service applications based on the High Priority Occupations List and performance criteria, while the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has final approval of all programs.

Training Providers may submit program applications to Workforce Solutions by following the process set forth in the ETPL Desk Guide.  ETPL DESK GUIDE

Training Providers submitting applications for programs with no reportable exits during the reporting period must complete appropriate performance documentation in order to be considered.  


Workforce Solutions ensures that workforce and education programs are accessible for all residents in our region, especially populations with barriers to employment.  The ETPL affords access to marketable skill sets and the level of education necesary to secure employment that provides both long term economic self-sufficiency and economic security.

The North Central Workforce Development Board (NCWDB), Workforce Solutions, through funding made available by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, may issue an Individual Training Account (ITA) to a WIOA Title I eligible individual (out of school youth age 16-24, adult, or dislocated worker), to help fund training programs on the ETPL.  


Eligible Training Provider List
(Click here)