Workforce Solutions for North Central PA is responsible for the planning, evaluation and oversight of workforce development programs/services in our six county workforce development area and has developed procurement policies and procedures for goods and services obtained with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding and shall comply with OMB Uniform Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards Super Circular.
Workforce Solutions maintains a comprehensive bidders list for procurement opportunities i.e., Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) and other workforce related services, information technology services, human resource related services, etc.
If you would like to be added to Workforce Solutions Bidders List, please email with your request to include:
- Contact Person / Title / Phone Number
- Name of Business
- Business Address (City, State, Zip)
- Brief description of capabilities
- Web Address
Current Opportunities
Advancing the Forest and Wood Products Industry in Pennsylvania: A Roadmap for Economic Growth and Workforce Development
Post date: August 14, 2024
Due date: September 20, 2024Workforce Solutions for North Central Pennsylvania is currently seeking quotes for the implementation of a comprehensive, collaborative strategy to strengthen and enhance the Forest and Wood
Products Industry’s future in Pennsylvania.The project is being implemented through a collaboration of partners including the Alleghany Hardwoods Utilization Group (AHUG), PA Department of Agriculture’s Hardwoods Development Council (HDC) North Central PA Regional Planning and Development Commission (NCRPDC), the Strategic Early Warning Network (SEWN), Department of Labor and Industry Rapid Response Unit (DL&I RR) and Workforce Solutions for North Central PA.
Those interested in receiving the RFQ documents should contact Pam Streich at (814)245-1835 or or click on the link below.
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Funded in whole or in part by Federal Funds. Detailed information can be found at: documents
Past Opportunities
Salary Scale Analysis 2024 RFQ
Post date: February 23, 2024
Due date: March 29, 2024Workforce Solutions for North Central Pennsylvania is currently seeking quotes for assistance with an updated and validated salary scale analysis. Those interested in receiving the RFQ documents should contact Pam Streich at (814)245-1835 or or click on the link below.
Workforce Solutions is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Funded in whole or in part by Federal Funds. Detailed information can be found at:
Attached documents
Youth Adult and Dislocated Worker Program; WIOA One-Stop Operator; and Employment Advancement and Retention Network (EARN) Programs
Post date: January 4, 2024
Due date: March 8, 2024REVISED 01-24-24 (Bidders conference date change and Youth/Adult and Dislocated Worker program page numbering change)
Workforce Solutions for North Central PA has issued the following Request for Proposals to vendors:1) Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Youth Adult and Dislocated Worker program;
2) WIOA One-Stop Operator; and
3) Employment Advancement and Retention Network (EARN) programThose interested in receiving any or all of the RFP packages (word and excel docs) should contact Donna Hottel (814)245-1835 or (subject line must read Request for Proposal Request and state which RFP is being requested).
Proposal deadline is Friday, March 8, 2024.Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Equal Opportunity Employer/ProgramFunded in whole or in part by Federal Funds. Detailed information can be found at:
Attached documents
Development of Career Pathways Mapping Highlighting Individual Employers
Post date: February 6, 2024
Due date: March 1, 2024Workforce Solutions for North Central Pennsylvania has issued a Request for Quotes to vendors for the development of 12 to 25 employer career pathway maps from a variety of industries for the North Central PA region which includes the counties of Cameron, Clearfield, Elk, Jefferson, McKean and Potter.
The Development of Career Pathways Mapping RFQ is available for review on the Workforce Solutions website at Anyone wishing to receive a copy of the RFQ may do so by contacting Donna Hottel, Strategic Planning and Project Manager, at (814-245-1835) or
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program
Funded in whole or in part by Federal Funds. Detailed information can be found at:
Attached documents
Mentoring Services
Post date: November 20, 2023
Due date: December 15, 2023Workforce Solutions for North Central Pennsylvania is currently seeking quotes for mentoring services for at risk individuals ages 16-24 for the North Central Workforce Development Area including the counties of Cameron, Clearfield, Elk, Jefferson, McKean and Potter.Attached documents
Audit Services
Post date: March 31, 2023
Due date: May 26, 2023Workforce Solutions seeks proposals for qualified independent accounting firms to provide Audit and Tax Services, including the preparation and submission of IRS Form 990. Audits must be completed in accordance with the Single Audit Act and the Uniform Guidance.Attached documents
Implementation of Career Pathways
Post date: January 13, 2023
Due date: February 10, 2023Workforce Solutions for North Central PA is seeking quotes from qualified applicants for the implementation of career pathway programs. The Request for Quote (RFQ) is provided in the link below. Proposal deadline is Friday, February 10, 2023.Attached documents
Request for Quotes for Workforce Development System Analysis/Plan Assistance
Post date: October 6, 2022
Due date: November 4, 2022Workforce Solutions for North Central PA is seeking quotes to acquire the services of a qualified firm to assist in the development of a required Modification to Our Local Multi Year Plan as mandated by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Those interested in receiving a Request for Quote (RFQ) package should contact Donna Hottel (814)245-1835 or (subject line must read Request for RFQ for Plan Assistance) Proposal deadline is Friday, November 4, 2022.Attached documents
PA CareerLink® System Operator Request for Proposal (RFP)
Post date: July 11, 2022
Due date: September 30, 2021Attached documents